Helping Homebound Heroes - July

June 29, 2021
Raul Lopez is a 78 year old Austin resident and homeowner. His home holds a lot of history and meaning for the Lopez family. Mr. Lopez’s mother lived in the house for several years before he moved in almost 7 years ago. Mr. Lopez moved into the house to care for his brother who was wheelchair bound, and unfortunately recently passed.
Mr. Lopez also served in the Army National Guard here in Austin, Texas. He was on active duty for 9 months, working to protect his fellow Texans.
In May of 2021, Mr. Lopez reached out to the Meals on Wheels Central Texas Home Repair program, and with the help of The Home Depot Foundation, he was able to have crucial repairs done to the exterior of his home. By June of 2021, he had functional windows and doors, and an updated exterior trim, allowing him to continue living safely in his family’s home. “It helped me a lot. It was so hot and my house needed the repairs.”
Mr. Lopez expressed his gratitude for the assistance he has received from Meals on Wheels. “I appreciate the work they have done for me.” Thanks to the partnership of MOWCTX and The Home Depot Foundation, veterans like Raul Lopez are able to continue living and aging in a safe and comfortable environment.
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