New Department Takes Deep Dive on Data

December 5, 2018

We live in a data-driven world.  So it’s a good thing our agency has been collecting and evaluating data for years.  And, more importantly, we apply that data to improve the lives and health of the people we serve. Towards that end, we are expanding the role of our Nutrition Services Department and changing its name to the Department of Nutrition, Health and Impact (NHI).

This new department will employ a client-focused, data-driven approach to manage data across our organization and enhance assessment of and care for our clients, and to demonstrate the efficacy and scope of our mission and the positive impact our programs have in the lives of our seniors and on our community.  NHI will also promote our role as an effective provider of services in the region’s healthcare system.

Seanna Marceaux, MOWCTX’s Director of Nutrition Services, will lead the new Department of Nutrition, Health and Impact as its Vice President, and Lauren Sasser, our Nutrition Services Coordinator, will now serve in the role of Research and Program Analyst, overseeing the data function described above.  And, of course, we will always remain committed to the value of nutrition, so the NHI department will maintain the current role of Nutrition Program Coordinator, and continue to oversee our kitchen/food operations and ensure that our clients get the nutrition they need to remain healthy.

We look forward to sharing with you data that spotlights the ways in which our services help those we serve, proving what we’ve known all along – MOWCTX programs deliver overwhelmingly positive outcomes in the lives of the vulnerable people we serve.