Urge Congress to #SaveLunch!

July 17, 2017

Thousands of homebound older adults in Central Texas rely on MOWCTX for nutritious food and other life-sustaining services.

But federal funding for our agency and other MOW programs will be cut if the White House’s budget proposal is approved by Congress.

Help us rally support and call on Congress to fully fund Meals on Wheels before the September 30th deadline: 

•    Contact lawmakers who represent you in Congress and urge them to protect Meals on Wheels funding. Find their names and contact info by visiting:  http://bit.ly/FederalReps 
•    Share a photo of an empty plate on social media and tag it “#SaveLunch” to show solidarity with millions of hungry seniors.

Please act now!  Reduced federal funding will mean even more homebound seniors will go hungry. With your help, we can #SaveLunch!

On August 18th, we hosted an event for #SaveLunch at the home of two of our clients. You can watch our full video by clicking here