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Winter Weather Emergency Update

February 18, 2021

During this winter weather emergency, Meals on Wheels Central Texas has been in contact by phone with the homebound seniors we serve to check in on them and assess their needs. We have ensured that they are safe and have enough food, and for those clients without power and in need of warm shelter, we have assisted with transportation to available shelters. 

Our biweekly meal delivery scheduled for February 19th has been re-scheduled for February 26th. Our team members continue to work diligently to stay in touch with our clients and have plans in place to deliver additional meals when needed to those most at-risk. Although our physical office remains closed, our team members are working remotely, and we expect to re-open our office again on Monday, February 22nd. 

The two things you can do to help us right now are—check on your homebound senior neighbors and make a donation to Meals on Wheels Central Texas so we have the resources we need to provide food, blankets and other assistance for homebound seniors facing and recovering from freezing weather conditions. We appreciate your continued support and together we can deliver!