Wheatsville Co-Op Chooses MOWCTX as thier Charity of Choice

We're excited to share that Wheatsville Food Co-op and its more than 26,200 co-op owners have chosen Meals on Wheels Central Texas as their August charity of choice. Round up your purchase at the register or give in-store to the donation drive and support the MOWCTX mission! 

Wheatsville Food Co-op has two Austin locations:


3101 Guadalupe St. Austin, Texas 78705 

4001 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704


Last year, Wheatsville raised over $148,000 for nonprofits in our community. Learn more about how Wheatsville and its members give back: https://wheatsville.coop/community/community-action 


About Wheatsville: WHEATSVILLE FOOD CO-OP is a full service, natural foods cooperative grocery store, which has been serving the central Austin community since 1976. Wheatsville is the only retail food cooperative in Texas and has over 26,200  invested owners. Invested owners participate democratically and financially in the co-op. For more information, to inquire about membership, or to look at online deals, visit https://wheatsville.coop/