Groceries to Go

Groceries to Go is a program that matches volunteers with clients who can cook for themselves, but who have no reliable or consistent help with grocery shopping.

If the client is able to get around on their own, volunteers help clients prepare a shopping list and provide transportation to and from the grocery store and assist with shopping and putting groceries away. If the client is mobility impaired, volunteers collect the grocery list and payment and do the shopping for them. Clients provide payment for all purchases. Volunteers may also be asked to pick up prescriptions if the pharmacy is near the grocery store.

If a client prefers to order their groceries online, volunteers pickup their online order curbside and personally deliver the order to the client eliminating any and all delivery fees.

Volunteer Application

Shopping trips are typically twice a month and are arranged on your schedule! This volunteer opportunity requires time and patience.

Volunteers must be able to:

  • Be available for shopping trips 1-2 times per month for 2-3 hours
  • Carry groceries into the household and help put them away
  • Have reliable transportation
  • Have a current driver’s license and insurance
  • Attend a 30 minute training session
  • Pass a criminal background check

For more information and to schedule a time for your volunteer training, please contact the program coordinator: or give us a call at 512-476-6325 x 178.