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Help PALS This Holiday Season

How You Can Help PALS Make the Holidays Special for Our Clients & Their Pets!


Last holiday season, PALS was able to deliver holiday gift bags to more than 900 pets! You can’t imagine the difference it makes in our clients’ lives to know that we remember their beloved furry friends at this time of year. Often times, the PALS gifts are the only ones they have to open together. 

You can help us reach this year’s goal of 850 pet gifts by donating! We need store bought dog and cat treats, as well as new or gently used pet toys, beds and other supplies. You can make it simple and donate a gift card from any retailer that sells pet items, also.
All donations can be brought to Meals on Wheels Central Texas at 3227 East 5th Street, Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm and Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm.  If you have a large donation, please contact PALS directly: or 512-628-8160  - so that we may assist you with drop-off or schedule a pick up from you. We would like to receive items by Monday, December 7th so that we can deliver them for the holidays!

You can also order items through our Amazon wishlist, and they will get shipped directly to our offices!