Non-Delivery Dates
There are a few days each year that Meals on Wheels Central Texas does not deliver meals to clients due to holidays or agency in-service training. For our volunteers, please note these non-delivery days and contact our Volunteer Services department at 737-218-4260 or if you have any questions.
2025 Non-Delivery Days
Wednesday January 1 New Year's Day
Monday January 20 Observation of MLK Day
Monday February 17 President's Day
Friday March 21 Last Day of Spring Break
Friday April 18 Spring Holiday
Friday May 23 Friday before Memorial Day
Monday May 26 Memorial Day
Friday July 4 Independence Day
Friday August 29 Friday before Labor Day
Monday September 1 Labor Day
Monday October 13 In-Service Day
Thursday November 27* Thanksgiving Day
Friday November 28 Day after Thanksgiving
Wednesday December 24 Christmas Eve
Thursday December 25 Christmas Day
Friday December 26 Day after Christmas
*Special holiday delivery serves a targeted group of clients. Outlying host distribution sites are not utilized. All meals are distributed out of Central Kitchen on this day.
I Need a Sub for My Route
Substitute Drivers are responsible for delivering meals to homebound clients as a back-up driver when the regular volunteer meal delivery driver is unable to take the route. Much like a substitute teacher, the substitute driver does not have a permanent weekly route, but is called as needed.