Home Repair
Greater Austin Home Safety Repair Program for Seniors, Veterans, and Adults Living with Disabilities

Home Repair and Architectural Barrier Removal is for low income homeowner clients who face serious structural issues with their homes resulting in a decline in health and safety.
Through our Home Repair program, we provide major home safety repairs and accessibility modifications for eligible seniors. Our home repair model is holistic home repair rather than a patch job. That’s because the home repair program started as a result of our core mission to enable our clients to age in place. One can’t age in place when their home has barriers that make it impossible to live there. This program is currently serving the following counties: Travis, Williamson, Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Burnet, Blanco and Fayette.
If you are applying for Home Repairs, please call 737.218.4262
If you have already submitted paperwork or have a current/active project, please call 737.218.4171
I had been in and out of the hospital every week before the repairs. Now, I have central air. I’m breathing better, and I haven’t been back in the hospital once. It has made things a lot easier.
Home Repair Program client
This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assitance. The Fund for Veterans' Assitance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit www.TVC.Texas.gov.
Our Home Repair program is also funded by the following partners: