Wills & Bequests
One simple way to make a lasting impact is a gift to Meals on Wheels Central Texas through your will or other estate planning documents. A Bequest to your favorite charities can also help your survivors by reducing the tax on your estate.
Options for Planned Gifts:
- Bequests
- Retirement accounts
- Life insurance policies
- Charitable reminder trusts
- Life Income plans
- Living trusts
- Gift Annuities
- Stock, real estate or personal property
Suggested wording for a Bequest:
I give, devise, and bequeath to Meals on Wheels Central Texas, a nonprofit charitable organization with offices in Austin, TX, the sum of $____ (or describe any real property), to be used for its general tax-exempt purposes, but with no other restriction as to use.
For additional information about Wills, Bequests, stocks and other planned gifts, please contact Gissell Perez, Director of Development, Meals on Wheels Central Texas. 512-476-6325 ext. 139
This information is not intended as legal advice. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor regarding any planned gift.